The Symptom - Prologue by Destiny Elizabeth Grace Chapter 1

, had never been something I believed in. Fate is what controls the moments you catch someone’s eyes, the times you accidentally bump into that special person on the beach, or even the dreams that make you realize how much that someone really means to you.

I’ve also learned that Falling in Love has four stages:

The Symptom is the first pang in your chest when you look at someone and feel the desire to be closer. Some people say this is the best stage of being In Love, but others dread the bruising and hurt even when Fate makes it up in Joy.

The Cure happens to be my favorite stage. Happily Ever After is the very last stage. Though some reach Stage Three, very few couples ever make it to this one. This stage means Forever. There’s no turning back once you’ve made it. And if somehow you do return to Before, you never truly earned Forever. Fate has everything to do with my life now. Next read bellow chapter

Chapter 1: Prologue
Chapter 2: Across The Tank
Chapter 3: Lost and Faking It
Chapter 4: Dear Dad ...
Chapter 5: His Name